MEMS Conference Provides Valuable Insights for GPE Marketing Team

The Graduate Professional Education (GPE) marketing team recently attended the Marketing, Enrollment Management, and Student Success (MEMS) Conference in Philadelphia, gaining valuable insights to enhance their strategies and outreach efforts. For Cole Tompkins, GPE's newest marketing team member, this was his first professional conference experience.
Tompkins was impressed by the diverse representation of institutions present at MEMS. Attendees hailed from a wide range of colleges and universities, spanning both coasts and encompassing institutions of all sizes. This diversity fostered a rich exchange of ideas and perspectives.
Innovative Approach to Student Engagement
One session that particularly resonated with Tompkins was presented by the University of Arizona. Titled "Cracking the Code: Online Student Engagement, Killer Communication, and Assessment Dos and Don'ts," the session explored the university's successful strategies for reaching online professional students through various channels, including email, surveys, social media, and even Discord.
Tompkins found the implementation of "non-business" posts on social media and engagement through Discord particularly intriguing. By creating informal virtual spaces for students to interact, the Arizona staff established platforms where students were consistently engaged, enabling the effective dissemination of important information. This approach fosters a sense of community and belonging among students, while also providing a reliable channel for communication.
Adapting Best Practices for GPE Marketing
While the GPE marketing team recognizes that strategies must be tailored to specific institutional contexts, the University of Arizona presentation has sparked extensive brainstorming and will likely influence GPE's future marketing endeavors. The team is eager to explore how similar strategies can be adapted to effectively reach the GPE target audiences and enhance student engagement.
The MEMS conference provided a valuable opportunity to learn from industry leaders, network with colleagues, and gather innovative ideas to inform marketing strategies. The insights gained from the conference will undoubtedly play a role in shaping the team's future initiatives and enhancing their ability to effectively reach prospective students.